Why I am Writing to You about Keto and Intermittent Fasting
My Life was not on Track
I was over 40, single, and living alone in China.
I was obese. I weighed over 220 lbs. needless to say, I couldn’t stand to look in a mirror, in fact, I actively avoided them. I had resigned myself to the fact that I would always be this way. I was conditioned by my previous failures.
In short, I felt like I was alone and that there was nothing I could do to ever change that.
One day my co-worker rubbed my stomach for good luck as she walked by. That was the final straw. I knew I had to do something.
The problem was that I had tried so many times before and I had failed at losing weight every single time.
Failure was Always an Option
I had tried so many fad diets it would make your head spin. Everything from a vegetarian diet to not anything at all. One time I even tried a cabbage soup diet. Every time I started a new diet, I would always tell myself, “I will try my best.”
What I know now is that what I was doing was setting myself for failure.
The major problem I had was that I never thought of these diets as a lifestyle change. I always viewed them as a temporary measure to achieve a result.
An Epiphany
Living in China where the culture can be brutally honest. Not in a mean-spirited way, but for an American, it can a very jarring experience. It wasn’t until I was tired of being humiliated that I realized that I needed a change for the rest of my life.
I had heard of Keto and Intermittent Fasting before but only knew some basics. There was so much information on the internet about it and it seemed to be scattered all over the place.
I Made a Decision
It was hard to know where to start or what the steps needed to take in the correct order.
I made a lot of mistakes along the way. Some of them, in hindsight, were pretty dangerous and extreme.
That is the reason I am writing this blog now. I want to be able to give people some practical help.
I am not a fitness guru. I will never be one. I am just a simple guy who was in the same position you are in now. I have made the journey; in fact, I am still on it.
That is the secret. Keto and Intermittent fasting are not temporary fixes. They are not dieting, in the sense that most people mean when they say that. It is a lifestyle change.
It was when I had this epiphany that everything changed. I committed myself and now I am proud to say that I have lost over 60 pounds. Not only that but my relationships are better. I can look in a mirror now and not feel disgusted. I don’t feel ashamed.
From Now On
From time to time I may use some fancy-sounding words, but I want to keep everything here as practical and simple as possible.
That is what helped me the most through my journey. I have had many people to help me along the way. This is my way of giving back.
I want you to know that you are not alone and that if a lazy man like me could accomplish what I have accomplished then you can too.